When: Tuesday, November 16th from 6-8:30pm
Where: Beatty Hall, Multi-Purpose Room - Wentworth's Campus
The Construction Management Program will be hosting a CMIAB Industry Showcase on Tuesday, November 16th from 6-8:30pm. This event will be open to all CMIAB company members to sponsor tables and join in a networking session and speaking event related to "Diversity in Hiring Practices for Construction Management Companies." This event will center around a networking session for CMIAB members and students in the School of Management. All interested companies that are not currently part of the CMIAB will have an opportunity to sponsor tables and join the showcase for an additional fee OR may be eligible to join the CMIAB prior to the event to sponsor a table at the CMIAB company member rate.
All proceeds from this event go directly to student scholarships. Your support is extremely valuable to our program!
For more information or to sponsor a table, please contact Associate Dean John Cribbs at cribbsj@wit.edu.